
Hey there! Good to see you here at my website. Now my six wonderful years as a student in Maastricht have come to an end, it's time to get into new adventures.
I'm planning to report about my whereabouts on this website every once in a while. So, if you're intested, come and a have a look every now and then. You have the possibility to comment on messages. But, if the comment is personal, I'd rather have it via mail. You can also have a look at my pictures.
So, what are my plans? I'm going to move my stuff from Maastricht to Hellevoetsluis (also in the Netherlands) next Thursday. The weekend after, I will take a flight to China to spend a month with my parents overthere and of course to see a bit of China.
Afterwards, I will spend another month in the Netherlands before I will move to the UK at the end of September. In Nottingham I will start a PhD studentship on a subject at the borderline between obstetrics and paediatrics. Half of the studentship will be performed in Adelaide, Australia, so another movement is yet to come. But Adelaide still has to wait for me for another year or two. I will discover the British life first. I'm looking forward to it. Let the fun begin!
He dokter Petra!
Super website, en leuk dat ik ook op enkele foto's te vinden ben ;)
Heel veel plezier in China (hartelijke groeten aan je ouders) en daarna gaan we lekker aan de tapas!!
kus, bijna-dokter Inge
Hi Peet,
You've got one new comment! Mooie foto's zeg...
En ik heb nog een link voor je over gamba's en scampi's, hihi
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