
Albert Dock
Originally uploaded by Petra Bos.
We visited Mo in Liverpool last week. Spent some time in the impressive docks, had a nice lunch and went on an amphibious duckmarine tour. Here you can find a few photos of the day.
Reporting from Down Under
We visited Mo in Liverpool last week. Spent some time in the impressive docks, had a nice lunch and went on an amphibious duckmarine tour. Here you can find a few photos of the day.
Hi Peet,
Dat ziet er leuk uit zeg! Originele manier om een stadstour te maken! :)
Ha Petraatje!
Mooie docks :-). Ziet er ook gezellig uit!
Hoi Petra,
Happy Birthday!!!!
Groetjes, Nicole
Lang zal ze leven, lang zal ze leven....
er is er een jarig, hoera! hoera! ... dat kun je wel zien dat is zij!!
jaaa ik ga ze allemaal zingen hoor straks in t restaurant :-D
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