
Devil and witch
Originally uploaded by Petra Bos.
You're walking through a crowd of people. They are staring at you. Some are giggling, others look shocked and back up slowly. Somehow you manage to get out of the crowd and you walk into a dark alley. When you look over your left shoulder, you see a red faced, horned devil with a trident silently following you.
You end up at a small patio in between some old warehouses. It's dark, the only light comes from some flickering candles.
You look up and all of sudden you see a corpse hanging out from one of the windows. You're shocked and look around. You see two zombies moving quietly over the patio. One of them has blood all over her face and chest.
You go into one of the old warehouses. You have to go to the bathroom. There's blood everywhere. You don't want to look in the bath, but you do... there are two eyeballs floating in a bath full of blood. One of them blinks at you.
And then... all of a sudden... there is Ghostbusters Music, there is a cat and a dancing bumblebee, there is a bishop, an Arabian bloke from the Sahara, there are monks and a nun, there are clowns, there is a prisoner and there is Dolly Parton. There are roasted pumpkin seeds, there is Gluhwein and there are candlelit pumpkins.
It's Hallowe'en at the Plumptre Patio!
Thanks Loathsome Luke, Creepy Catriona, Germy Jen and Malicious Marije for inviting this witch, it was bloody good!
Wow, Peet! Volgens mij was dat idd een superfeest! Die badkuip... brrr
Wat hebben zij er een werk van gemaakt zeg! Zeer gave kostuums ook! Heb je zelf ook nog pumpkins gecarved? Of pompoensoep gemaakt? :)
Ha Petraatje!
Heeel koel, leuke kostuums inderdaad. Was het nog moeilijk om je heksenspulletjes bij te vinden? Pompoenen zagen er ook mooi uit, vooral de kat & muis was grappig. Tot gauw!
oeps, bedoelde bij -elkaar- te vinden...
Hoi Petra,
Wat eng zeg... alleen al de tekst geeft je kippenvel (of is het zonder -n)!
De pompoenen zien er mooi uit zo in het donker..... wel sfeervol!
Groetjes, Nicole
You do know how to tell a story!
Don't you want to be a storyteller? Write books and print your own photo's with it?
My compliments. I really like reading your blogs. In dutch or english, they're both really fun to read. I'd say, keep writing and shoot pictures.
I like it.
Zo da's genoeg in het engels. Eerlijk Petra, ik vind het hartstikke leuk om te lezen en je foto's zijn echt bijzonder.
Hier in Nederland wil het nog niet zo lukken met Halloween. Bij mij in de wijk liepen kinderen een soort Sinte Maarten met Haloween. Wel erg leuk om te zien, maar zo als bij jullie! Nog lange niet.
Groetjes Jolanda
He peet! Heel veel plezier weekend met breg, jammer dat ik er niet bij kan zijn....... Geniet ervan!!!
Dikke knuffel, ing
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