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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Down Below...
Just a short update from Down Under. This Saturday I arrived in an extremely rainy Adelaide. Everybody here is very pleased with the drought-breaking rain, apparently it was the first rain of the year. Thankfully the weather is better now, not much different from when I left the UK last week.
Since I arrived at 6 am, I had to struggle most of the day to stay awake until a reasonable hour to sneak out to my bed. My bed, for now, is in the house of one of the lecturers of the department. It's very conveniently located in the city centre. I am looking around for a place of my own. Hopefully I will be able to find an apartment soon.
So far, people have been very nice and welcoming to me. Yesterday the professor (my supervisor) took the whole department out for dinner to welcome me!
I apologise for all the emails I did not send... I don't have access to the internet in the evenings at the moment, but as soon as I find my own place, it will be the first thing on my list to arrange (or second, maybe a bed first...).
Anyway, that's it for now, better get back to work.
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