Finally another update, sorry for the wait!
After 1.5 month in Australia, I seem to be pretty settled and I am now enjoying my new Australian life. I found a nice little apartment in North Adelaide. It's close to the University and close to the city centre. It's in a nice and green area, although most of Adelaide is green at the moment, but that might have something to do with the permanent rain.
After several Ikea trips and deliveries, my house is now pretty complete and I feel very much at home. People who have seen my last house in Nottingham, will know why!
I'm also quite settled in the lab now. My supervisor is very nice and seems to be extremely good in her job and on top of things. The people in the lab are all nice and a very sociable bunch. I think there is about 4 lab parties coming up, all still in June!
As I mentioned, it rains a lot, makes it hard to believe South Australia is the driest state in the second driest continent on earth! But I shouldn't complain about the rain, since most Australians are still wishing for more, the water reservoirs are still much too low and the number of farmers out of business is still increasing. It also feels colder than I expected, but this might be psychological, since for me June is still supposed to be summer!
Anyway, I've started some sightseeing as well. Will tell you more about that in a next post, with photos! Promise not to wait that long again....